My URJ Biennial Hangover
Waking up in Denver today, I realized that something was missing. It wasn’t the fact that I woke up for the first time in my own bed in six days. It wasn’t the fact that I was able to hug my son good morning and get him dressed. It wasn’t even the fact that I was able to eat in my own kitchen.
What was missing was the energy of being around 5,000 like minded individuals who lived, breathed and took in all of the activities at the 2011 URJ Biennial. There have been very few times in my life where I have felt the power of having so many people embracing and learning more about how to be better professionals and individuals.
From amazing speakers including President Obama, Dr. Wendy Mogel and Dr. Jonathan Woocher to amazing musicians including Josh Nelson, Dan Nichols, Rick Recht, Michelle Citrin and Bryan Zive, this five day experience opened both my heart and my mind about what can be accomplished in our organization and for me professionally.
Looking back now, I realize that what I experienced will be very difficult to experience again. The passion of the leaders. The vision for better and stronger Jewish communities. The late night conversations. The 5,000 people joined together for meal and prayer.
However, I also realize how important it is to be in the current moment rather than looking at the past. In President Obama’s address to the over 5,000 participants, he highlighted the Jewish concept of Hineni - here I am. This concept is one which has been used as names for Jewish organizations and also for programs across the country at congregations and communities. In his speech, Obama used this word to say that he was here for the country and here not just for today but for the future.
Looking at my own life, I came up with my own statements about what I am doing professionally and personally.
Hineni, Here I Am… Helping youth and teenagers find their own Jewish journey.
Hineni, Here I Am… Challenging and improving the nonprofit community in Colorado and beyond.
Hineni, Here I Am… Helping nonprofits shine.
Hineni, Here I Am… Ready to take on new challenges and grow as a nonprofit leader.
Hineni, Here I Am… Exploring my own spirituality.
Hineni, Here I Am… Creating a better world for my son to grow up in.
What would be your Here I Am statement?